Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Just start

"Someone who is busier than you is running right now.
So what are you waiting for?
Go out there and pound the pavement"- Nike ad

At the end of every athletic season I usually want a break, but this summer i know i can't get one. Determined to reach my fitness goals I have been planning my attack and formulating a plan. The best way to get in shape is to just go. Get up and move, formulating a long intensive plan won't do anything. You don't need an expensive gym membership nor do you need a personal trainer or training equipment. The best thing to do is to get up and go out. If you are already in shape then go for a jog or run, if not than start out slow.

Just know that you can do it, all you have to do is try.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Skinny vs. Fit

There is a definite difference between when someone is "skinny" or "slim" and when someone is "fit" or "in shape". This is one of the most important aspects of health and weight loss. The common conception on weight loss is that "skinny" is in and that losing weight will dramatically alter someones health for the better. The honest fact is that this is not the correct way to focus on weigh loss.

Looking at how "skinny" someone is does not relate to how healthy they are. For example there can be some people who would be considered average weight who eat unhealthy, don't sleep, drink and smoke(otherwise have an unhealthy lifestyle) and be considered healthy because they appear to be healthy. Where as a slightly chubbier person can be be considered unhealthy even though he/she eats nutritiously works out regularly drinks only in moderation and does not smoke. The slightly chubbier person may not be considered as healthy as the skinnier one even though they will most likely have a longer lifespan and less health problems due to their lifestyle choices.

People can easily buy weight loss and in the modern world the view of attractive is starting to get skinnier and skinnier. There are hundreds of "miracle drugs" on the market that promise instant weight loss. Shows like "Dr. 90210" display that some will even get cosmetic surgery and liposuction in order to have their dream physique.

Calling someone healthy just because they have a slender physique is a mistake. The focus in diet and exercise programs shouldn't be just to lose weight, but should be to become healthier. For this reason the BMI is horribly wrong. For example, take a 6 foot tale male who lifts weights regularly and plays rugby or football thus has a large amount of muscle. Say he is about 200lbs, mostly muscle. Well according to the BMI he is overweight. Thus according to the BMI he is at an unhealthy weight and will face serious health risks. However this particular person is in excellent shape. This is where the BMI fails. IT fails to account for muscle or body type when showing someones weight. There are plenty of people who would be considered overweight or underweight due to the BMI but who are actually in perfect physical condition.

Milk: An Athlete's Dream

Fat Free milk is often forgot about in most diets but can be a great source for any person interested in weight loss and having toned muscles. Not only is it rich in calcium did you know that 1 cup of milk has about 8.7 grams of protein. Also diary is a natural fat burner and triggers the most stubborn fat(that around the midsection).

There is a popular add campaign brought about from "Got Milk" called "milk your diet" where sources claim that 27 oz of milk a day could help you lose weight as opposed to the the recommended 8 oz a day. Milk has so much protein that it is no guess why it is a dieters favorite.

Milk also is great for rebuilding muscles after exercise which makes it a great post-exercise drink. For additional details on this study see "Got Milk?" .

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Are you getting enough protein?

With all of the recent hype about High Protein diets there doesn't seem to be a source that directly states how much protein a person in supposed to consume in a day. Ask any athlete and they will tell you that protein is one of the most important things you can have in your diet to improve performance and feel better.Not getting enough protein can be dangerous for muscular development but without acknowledge of what "enough" some dieters may become lost confused and may, even if they are on a high protein low calorie diet, be not getting the right amount of protein.

According to Wikipedia a non-athlete should be getting .8-1 gram of protein for every 1kg of body mass. That means a 140 lb person should be taking in 63grams of protein. That is a lot of protein! Elite endurance athletes (marathon runners and triathletes) and athletes who benefit from increased muscle mass (football players and rugby forwards) need up to 1.6 grams of protein or every 1kg of muscle mass. Some sources even recommend from 1.1-1.4 grams of protein for some athletes.

Not having enough protein could cause decreased muscle mass, decreased energy and thus is very harmful for athletes and non athletes alike.

So take the challenge, figure out how much protein you are having in a day. Is it enough? Chances are it won't be.


If you have never tried kickboxing before i recommend that you do. Yesterday rugby practice was cancelled and so still on my mission to lose 30 lbs by September 1st i decided to go to the gym. There i thought i would try something different and take the kickboxing class. It was later in the day than I usually like taking classes but i thought it always sounded interesting.

It was awesome. I really enjoyed the class. We spent a lot of time doing jumping jacks and i wish we had more time kicking but it was so much time. I love using rugby as a way of getting out pent up frustration and kickboxing is the next best thing. It is a great core exercise and really works arms and legs. A full body workout that is a lot of fun. You don't even realize you are working out!

Kickboxing or any self defense class is great for any woman who lives in a city. It not only boosts confidence but also teaches self defence. Living alone in a city can be scary at times, especially walking home at night. This is why I recommend to everyone and especially people who feel like they are victims to take a self defense class. It doesn't have to be kickboxing, however if you want a great workout then kickboxing is right for you.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Superfood of the day: Dark Chocolate

It is every chocolate lover' s dream to be able to lose weight and eat their chocolate cake too. Well according to WebMD, and other sources, Dark Chocolate is actually a superfood.

Rick in antioxidants, dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure. However, the trick is to choose the right type of chocolate. I personally am a fan of milk chocolate, and love brownies. Nonetheless, for health benefits the darker the better, chocolate with 60% cocoa content or more is best for ones health. It is even lower in fats and sugars, which makes it healthier than milk chocolate.

Next time you have a chocolate craving, skip the snickers and go for high cocoa content dark chocolate. It tastes delicious and is good for you too!

Superfood and Fad Diets

Lately I came across a new diet trend which I found really inspirational. Many people eat healthy food to lose weight, and actually that is the bad rep that a lot of healthier choices for foods get. People loot at a box of fiber rich cereal and think "gross, that is healthy it must be disgusting" or "i am skinny enough i can eat apple jacks instead". What some people don't realize, myself included, is that foods are not just calories and fats. Real foods contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which all have dramatic effects on ones life.

Imagine dramatically changing your life, how you look and how you feel without taking a drug or a pill but simple by changing your eating habits. The switch is simple and the effects are real all one has to do is eat healthier. The problem with most fad diets is that they focus on changing one thing. Some focus on cutting carbs(aka Atkins and in some cases South Beach) some focus on cutting calories (aka Bally Total fitness or Jenny Craig) some focus on cutting fats, but all limit your intake of certain foods which could have a bad effect on ones health.

Yes, losing weight is good for your health, in most cases However, eliminating one food group is also harmful to your health. By eliminating all carbs you can cause yourself to be more hungry overall and thus eat more, or eat foods that don't have carbs but are also unhealthy. The secret to real weight loss is superfoods.

Superfoods are foods that are high in nutrients (higher than most other health foods) and antioxidants to help clear your skin, maintain focus, lower cholesterol, and fight diseases. Switching to a diet high in super foods can have a dramatic and positive effect on ones mood, appearance and outlook on life.