Friday, July 20, 2007

The slip up

I started to slip on my summer diet. Yesterday I had a brownie which put me 300 calories above my recommended amount. Feeling rather sad about the fact that I gave in and ate a brownie I decided to watch The Biggest Loser for motivation and inspiration.

My favorite way of motivating myself to lose weight it to watch the television shows about people who are on a mission to lose weight: i.e. Celebrity Fit club and the Biggest looser. The "players" act like they went through a complete transformation, and to see them step on a scale which says they lost 82lbs(as one man did today on the final episode of Biggest Loser) is facinating. That man lost the weight of an entire person.

While watching The Biggest Loser one of the personal trainers said to a woman on the show "sometimes you go through lags and setbacks as you go through setbacks in life, it is how you get over them". That is what made me realize that it is OK that I ate that brownie and super foods shake, as long as I keep pushing.

The most important thing rugby has taught me is to never give up, even when you are losing horrible. It is OK if you lose as long as you learn from the experience.

The gameplan

The week and a half before school starts this year is going to be one of the oddest weeks of my life.

After going home the week before, I plan on arriving back to my apartment in center city on the 23rd. From the 23 of august to the 30th I will be working out,eating nothing but vegetables and milk, and illegally moving my belonging from my apartment in the city to my dorm room in suburbia. This would not be illegal had it not been that the school will not let all upperclassmen move into the dorms until the Saturday before school starts. However, this weekend I will not be in the same side of the country as my dorm or my apartment.

On the 30th I am meeting my sister and her boyfriend at the airport when they are at their layover and then the three of us are getting onto a plane to Arizona. Once we arrive in Arizona it is time to unpack and have dinner with the family before I fall over and fall asleep. On the 31st there is first breakfast with the family, then first rehearsal at a church(all in Spanish), then rehearsal lunch, followed by the rehearsal with the rabbi at the site of the second ceremony, and then ending with dinner and collapsing by the pool. Saturday is the wedding. Sunday I get on a plane and fly back to school where I will unpack my stuff and get ready for the first day of classes on Monday.

The End of Summer 7s

So this summer I decided that in order to be less of an idiot on the field I wold play rugby with club team. A few of the girls on my team were planning on joining a club called PW and thinking like it would be a great way to meet new people and learn more about rugby I joined too. I thought that we would have our own side of sevens made up of people from my school team, however after a few unexplainable injuries and lack of insurance only Kendra and I remained.
I had a wonderful time this summer with the PW team. It has been a great learning experience which I value greatly. I also have heard a number of funny stories and witnessed some pretty spectacular rugby.

This weekend is the last sevens game for the summer. It is the championships and I hate to say it but I feel like it is the end of an era. I had a great time this summer and i am sad to see sevens go. Not that I won't be continuing to play rugby during the year and even play touch for the rest of the summer. I just am going to miss the sevens tournaments.

I just wanted to say thanks, PW for an awesome summer!